Hartford County, CT – Stable, mature GP practice with great hygiene dept. located in well-maintained medical professional building. Historical collections over $950K in 2,500 sq ft with 5 ops. Seller is flexible with transition. Great… READ MORE
Hartford County, CT – Stable, Mature GP Practice
Ortho Practice - Boston area, Middlesex County
Ortho Practice – Boston area, Middlesex County Part-time practice located in a growing, family friendly community. Great opportunity to add a satellite office or for a first-time owner. 1,000 sqft. office with open bay design… READ MORE
South Shore - Newly Renovated GP Practice
South Shore – Newly renovated 5 op GP practice with over 700 active patients on two days per week with tremendous growth potential. Located adjacent to a major medical facility. Motivated seller. Asking $1,000,000 for… READ MORE
Hartford County, CT - 38+ Year Old GP Practice
Hartford County, CT – 38+ year old GP practice reporting over $600K in collections and nearly 1,000 active patients. 3 ops in 1,100 sqft. and landlord is interested in negotiating long-term lease. Participates with CT… READ MORE
Norfolk County - GP Practice
Norfolk County – Located south of MA Pike and East of 495, great GP practice with expansion potential. Historical collections near $300K on 2.5 days per week. 2 ops with a 3rd room plumbed. Street… READ MORE
Mature Orthodontic Practice on MA/NH Border
Orthodontic Practice – Mature, recently renovated practice with collections over $1.4M in family friendly community on the MA/NH border. Practice is located in a stand-alone building, also available, with spacious open bay, 2 consult rooms,… READ MORE
Albany Area – 35+ year old practice
Albany Area – 35+ year old practice in free-standing building, great visibility, parking and close to medical complex. Historical collections over $650K with healthy hygiene department. Great practice for first-time buyer in family friendly community…. READ MORE
Albany Area – 35+ year old GP practice
Albany Area – 35+ year old practice in 2,754 sqft with 4 operatories, primarily fee for service. Collecting over $700K with 1,700 active patients and long-term, loyal staff. Real estate also available or long term lease. … READ MORE
Acquisition Growth in a Dental Group Practice Setting (originally published on Drbicuspid.com)
By Maria G. Melone In a dental group practice, growth is a critical piece of determining enterprise value. Growth is achieved in two different ways: Organic and Developmental. Organic growth includes such things as expanding… READ MORE